Hilda Osuna - #LatinaGeeks™

Hilda Osuna

Hilda Osuna

I joined #LatinaGeeks about a year ago and I honestly can’t image my life without it. I initially joined because I wanted to transition into the tech world and wanted to learn from their hands-on workshops – but I got so much more than what I expected. Not only are their hands-on workshops top-notch, relevant and helpful but the founders of this amazing organization and people that you meet and network with are inspiring and impressive! With Latina Geeks you get so much more than just technology knowledge – you get to be part of a women empowerment and support system that has enabled me to continue to pursue my transition into the tech world with the knowledge that I have a strong tribe of Mujeres chingonas that are there for me. I am blessed to be part of #LatinaGeeks and excited for what the future holds!